Take Action

Donate with PayPal.

Make a one off or recurring donation using PayPal by clicking the button below. By donating to the CUGF you are investing in; spreading the Gospel at UNE, discipling and training students who are then sent to various churches and workplaces around Australia and training MTS workers, many of whom go on to full time vocational ministry.

Consider setting up a recurring donation with your online banking:

Direct deposit to our bank account from your Bank, Credit Union or Building Society.
Our bank details are:

BSB: 932-000 Account Number: 100421479 (S9)
(Leave the S9 off if you are not with RAB)
Account Name: UNE CU Graduates Fund


•Send a Cheque payable to UNE CU Graduates Fund to: St Mark’s UNEchurch, 73 Trevenna Road, University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351

As a donor you are eligible to become a member of the CUGF. Have your say in direction and Future of the Fund!